Wales Wins

I've toyed with so many titles and themes for this post, as there are lots of things to say about this referendum, the campaigns, and the eventual result. But those things can wait.

What matters most is that we in Wales have shown ourselves, and the rest of the world, that we have the self-confidence and maturity to make decisions for ourselves. It's just one step, but a significant one. It makes me proud of how far we've come as a nation, and confident about how much further we will go.

It is Wales that has won today. Let's celebrate that, first and foremost.

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Anonymous said...

yes a fantastic result.....and one of the most significant days in the long and sometimes difficult history of the welsh nation! But today's emphatic victory means no one can now be in any doubt that devolution is the 'settled will' of the people of wales.

oh..and what an appalling and graceless 'concession' speech by rachel banner!

Leigh Richards

Britnot said...

"Bendigedig" as the greatly missed Ray Gravell would have said.Yet another important plus point in the devolution journey.Next it has to be equal powers to those of Scotland and Northern Ireland in all of the areas they have devolved.
Onward and upward.

Cibwr said...

A good result, shame that there weren't 400 more yes votes in Monmouthshire, but still a good result there. Now we need to work on making it work - hopefully the manifestos will have some innovative laws. But we now have to focus on doing what we can with our limited means to improve the economy.

Owen said...

I wonder what the first Bill and Act will be?

Feels great to finally be able to say that.

MH said...

Yes, shame about Banner's speech. As Dylan Thomas' put it:

Some let me make you of the heartless words

Jac o' the North, said...

An unwanted consequence of this result come the May elections could be an increase in the Ukip vote. There are Tory, Labour and Lib Dem votes to go for simply by reminding voters that Ukip was the only party (other than the BNP) that wanted a No vote.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to see a UKIP member from Monmouthshire in the Assembly! If they were anything like their Euro Members, they would add greatly to the comedy!

Neilyn said...

A truly good day for the Welsh. I'm absolutely delighted with the strength of the Yes vote over the No vote, and the consistency across the country.

The 'threat' by Syr Eric this morning to petition David Cameron to abolish our National Assembly (assuming that's what he was actually suggesting) because "50% of Wales would be delighted" really makes him and those who share his views look utterly stupid by now.

MH - I've been reading your blog for a couple of years or so now and this is my first post (Ooh er!) Excellent, informative work with well reasoned viewpoints.


Albert said...

Congratulations to Wales from Catalonia! I'm sure this is just the first step of many more to come in which the Welsh nation will freely decide its future. All the best from now on.

Anonymous said...

Just don't tell "the rest of the world" the turn-out. (As if the rest of the world cares!)

MH said...

It was 35.4%, Anon. Why would you or anyone else want to keep it a secret?

Anonymous said...

to anon 12.46 i would say that the only 'secret' of the referendum campaign..not that it was much of a secret of course...was that right wing conservatives and the very right wing ukip backed the assembly abolitionists of true wales to the hilt!!..the faces of such people could be seen in abundance at every meeting of true wales featured on last nite's BBC wales broadcast 'yes butt - no butt' far as i could see the only right wing loony in wales not in attendance was nick griffin...tho im sure he passed on his support privately.....

Leigh Richards

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