Dafydd El Cid

... let him ride around on his high horse, even though he's dead.


Probably a bit unfair, but it wouldn't be funny unless it was so close to being true.

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Anonymous said...

Eh? Sorry, I'm missing the irony.

Twpsyn Twp

Anonymous said...

MH As we are talking egos here, what part have you got pencilled in for Peter deVain?

Plaid Whitegate said...

Dafydd El Cid is part of the past. We need someone who's going to shape the future. That means DET putting aside ego and stopping pretending he represents the left. He hasn't done that since 1987.

Anonymous said...

Oh, but he DOES represent the left. The left behind.

Anonymous said...

But at least he had a profile not like the grey maan that leads now

mctiso said...

m7h45s9o38 m2r54t2z58 q7k19l5q20 k9u66d6h27 e9e36m4u79 c0q13z2s08

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