
To celebrate what would be Gwynfor Evans' birthday, here is a recording of him speaking immediately after he was elected in the Carmarthen by election in July 1966. This was the first time Plaid Cymru had won a seat at Westminster.

There are versions in English and Welsh.



Stirring stuff. A reminder of how just how far behind as a nation we were before, and an inspiration to keep going until we take our own place as an independent nation in the UN and Europe ... a responsible member of the great community of nations in the world.

Thanks to Hedd Gwynfor for putting together the videos.

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Anonymous said...

Inspirational stuff!

I was there! I was 11 and worked in the office addressing envelopes and ticking off results from the poll booths, so that we could make sure all our known supporters were out. If they hadn't voted by 7pm, we sent ars out to get them. I even did a few hours on the booths. Awesome organisation!

And I spotted my Father in a couple of the pictures!

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Da iawn - diolch Hedd.


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