Home is where the heart is

In the final Scottish leaders debate tonight, Jim Murphy justified flipping his home on his parliamentary expenses on the grounds that, as Secretary of State for Scotland, he had to spend more time in Scotland than Westminster. So London is where he has his second home.

That sounds reasonable.


But our Secretary of State for Wales works on quite different principles. His main home is in London, and he claims his allowances on his second home in Wales.

Home is where the heart is, and home is certainly what you fight for. Perhaps this explains why Hain has been so bad at fighting for Wales' fair share of money from Westminster ... and why the Secretaries of State for Scotland have been so much more successful in fighting for their own country at the cabinet table. Labour have been responsible for systematically short-changing us while they have been in power in Westminster. Our share of public spending relative to England has dropped from 125% to 113% over the past thirteen years.

Don't give Peter Hain and the rest of the Labour leadership in Westminster a chance to keep on doing more of the same. Wales needs MPs that will put Wales first.

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Ceri Young said...

It's peculiar, but few MP's 'second homes' in London will have the ballroom his house in Aberdulais boasted, last time it was on the market.

(Quite literally, I remember that cropped up in the property details for his house in Ynys-y-Gerwn (in Aberdulais), last time it was on the market... Literally; "a ballroom" - I kid you not.)

Anonymous said...

Why has Peter Hain represented Labour in all the 'Welsh Leaders' programs? where is Carwyn Jones?

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