A Good Night Out in the Valleys

Back in November I posted about the launch of National Theatre Wales, but tonight the curtain rose on its first ever production:


     Curtains up as National Theatre Wales' first play opens

It's good to see it up and running at last, not least because it means we now have something to stand alongside and complement the Welsh language Theatr Genedlathol Cymru, set up back in 2004. If we are serious about becoming a truly bilingual nation it is important that we promote and celebrate the many strands that contribute to our rich cultural diversity in both our languages.

I'm particularly proud that establishing an English language National Theatre for Wales was one of Plaid Cymru's manifesto pledges in the 2007 Assembly election, and that this was something that we managed to negotiate into the One Wales Agreement with Labour, who were opposed to the idea and had done nothing to set up an equivalent to Theatr Genedlathol Cymru in all the time they were in power before ... either when in coalition with the LibDems or in power on their own.


But that's enough politics. This is a taste of what to expect:


And there's more information about this and future productions here.

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Anonymous said...

Proof that Plaid is a) opening up the arts agenda to more working-class people and communities, and b) delivering for English speakers as well as Welsh speakers.

Anonymous said...

excellent - dwi'n hapus iawn. Pob hwyl i'r theatr genedlaethol newydd.


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