This is the fifth tranche of emails from the correspondence between various people in Plaid Cymru and myself, following a complaint about what I had written on the subject of the Ynys Môn by-election last year. For easy reference, I've put together the all the previous corresponence on this page, which I will keep updating as further emails are published.
From: Michael Haggett
Sent: Monday, 30 September 2013, 10:59am
To: Chris Franks
Cc: Rhuanedd Richards, Shaughan Feakes, Leanne Wood
Subject: Re: Complaint
Dear Chris
Yet another week has come, and I must again remind you that you have not answered several of my questions. I have asked for basic, straightforward information, and the only conclusion to be drawn from your continued failure to provide answers is that you are either out of your depth, being deliberately evasive, or both.
As Chair of the MDSP, you have an obligation to carry out the responsibilities you have been given in an even-handed and impartial way, yet your attitude and performance in our correspondence to date has clearly shown that you are not doing so. This needs to change. If you are unable to handle your role, I'd urge you to consider taking help and advice from others or, failing that, to step down and let someone else do the job. I'm sure your talents could be put to better use by doing something for which you have more aptitude.
Best regards
Michael Haggett
From: Michael Haggett
Sent: Monday, 7 October 2013, 1:06pm
To: Chris Franks
Cc: Rhuanedd Richards, Shaughan Feakes, Leanne Wood
Subject: Re: Complaint
Dear Chris
Your continued refusal to answer my questions is becoming more serious with every week that passes.
I can well understand that you might now regret how you have handled this matter, but you (and by that I mean the whole MDSP, for I assume you have kept them informed of our correspondence) are to blame for that. I warned you about the consequences of not acting in a fair and even-handed way, but you refused to heed my warnings and must now see things through to their conclusion. Burying your head in the sand won't solve anything.
Best regards
Michael Haggett
From: Michael Haggett
Sent: Monday, 14 October 2013, 10:23am
To: Chris Franks
Cc: Rhuanedd Richards, Shaughan Feakes, Leanne Wood
Subject: Re: Complaint
Dear Chris
It shouldn't be necessary for me to keep having to remind you that you haven't answered my questions, and I'm not going to do it week after week.
I am therefore giving you a deadline. If you have not answered my questions by this time next week I will take steps to have you removed from your position as Chair of the MDSP and replaced by someone who is capable of handling the responsibilities that come with the job.
Best regards
Michael Haggett
From: Chris Franks
Sent: Monday, 14 October 2013, 2:11pm
To: Michael Haggett
Cc: Rhuanedd Richards, Shaughan Feakes, Leanne Wood
Subject: Re: Complaint
Thank you for your comments.
Sorry I've been spending my time at Conference, Finance committee, producing a ward newsletter, issuing press releases, dealing with constituents problems, reading the LDP, working with party colleagues across the county, supporting the leader during her speech, fund raising, planning to improve the opportunities for the social use of Welsh, supporting a local charity, supervising the internal elections, clerking the Councillors AGM, working with colleagues in RCT, attending school governors' meetings.......
You know all the things I'm sure that many members undertake regularly. I will email you at the appropriate time.
Best Wishes
From: Michael Haggett
Sent: Friday, 14 October 2013, 5:56pm
To: Chris Franks
Cc: Rhuanedd Richards, Shaughan Feakes, Leanne Wood
Subject: Re: Complaint
Dear Chris
Thank you for the apology. No-one doubts that there are pressures on your time, but as it would have taken less time to answer my questions than to compile a long list of everything else you have been doing, the only reasonable conclusion is that you are still being as defensive and evasive as you were a month ago.
I haven't asked for anything that requires any great effort or thought on your part. You just need to provide me with a few names, dates and yes/no answers ... and you now need to do it within the next week.
I can understand that you might have bitten off more than you can chew. That's why I advised you to get help or step down and concentrate on things for which you might have more aptitude. Doing other things, even if you do them well, is no excuse for doing your job as Chair of the MDSP as badly as you have done it with regard to this matter.
Best regards
Michael Haggett
The man is a complete joke. How the hell does someone like him get to be put in any position of responsibility???
What's so sad is that he used to be an AM. It just goes to prove what opponents of devolution have been saying all along, that the Assembly is just a useless talking shop stuffed full of second rate failures.
'How Plaid Cymru Works ....'
Or doesn't work!
Given that you copied the correspondence to Leanne Wood I'm rather surprised to discover that she, too, was complicit in this 'witch hunt'.
Disappointing. But, ultimately instructive.
Amazing,. He sits on his hands doing nothing for a month, but as soon as you say you'll report him for it, he suddenly gets off his fat **** to tell you that he's ......... err ..... still going to do nothing!.
This blog constantly surprises. At times providing insightful, evidence-based analysis of matters fundamental to the health and wellbeing of our nation. At others times a vehicle for the sad, self-absorbed ravings of a keyboard warrior/conspiracy theorist. Bizzare.
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