Sharp End Question of the Year

This question by Paul Flynn was so sharp that it made any answer Carwyn Jones might give sound rather silly. So I'll spare him the embarrassment of showing it.


Your recent arguments have been that an independent Wales would not have a new nuclear power station in Wylfa and would not have Trident at Milford Haven. Are these arguments for, or against, independence?

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Cibwr said...

Love it, just as a matter of interest what was the meeting and what was the answer...

Anonymous said...

Check Mate!

Owen said...


Anonymous said...

MH - you tease! .. what was Carwyn's answer?!


MH said...

The clip is from last night's Sharp End for those who want to see the whole thing. But don't be too disappointed by the answer ;-)

The Political and Constitutional Reform Committee of the House of Commons (of which Paul Flynn is a member) had called for evidence on the merits of setting up a Constitutional Convention for the UK. The deadline for written submissions was last month, but they visited the Senedd yesterday to ask more detailed questions.

Carwyn then went to Westminster to give a speech on the same subject. I was at that event (although I didn't see Adam Price there, as Owain Phillips reported) and hope to get round to writing about it later.

Anonymous said...

Funny that, Labour had 13 years in power in Westminster and did everything to avoid saying the word 'England'.

They are against an English parliament or even limiting ability of Welsh and Scottish MPs to vote on English only matters and now Carwyn's woken up and say England need to be consulted.

No wonder our English friends feel patrionised or humiliated by Labour.

Anonymous said...

I just wonder what peoples thoughts are on an "English Parliament".

One of the reasons why we in Wales weren't allowed a Scots Style Parliament was because there was no 'civic society' in Wales, and more importantly no separate jurisdiction (this genuinely was a reason at the time- that it was 'impossible' to have two primary law making bodies in one legal area!).

So surely, England also falls into this class? There is no 'English' civic society and there is no 'English' legal system.

So I'm of the view that there should be no English Parliament. But an English Assembly (like we had in 1998) then when they're ready they should have the LCO system.

Let's see how they like it! :-D

Anonymous said...

Ha that would be great. I can imagine the requests to legislate coming down the M4 to the National Assembly to be scrutinised.

It sounds silly now but that was the humiliating situation. Just a shame that Labour have failed to use the new powers yet.

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