Salmond's Speech

I thought people might like to see Alex Salmond's speech from the SNP conference in Inverness yesterday:


The text of the speech is here.

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Cibwr said...

Impressive, ambition based on real advances under the SNP - Scotland can! If only we could tell the same story, but the Welsh Government seems to have gone to ground - maybe its hibernating?

Anonymous said...

Salmond was excellent on Andrew Marr this morning. Answering questions about the debt, armed forces, currency. No embarrassment or flip-flopping or post nationalism as Cynog or DET would give. Good clean answers, spoken calmly with humour.

The only grown-up political leader in the UK.

MH said...

I don't normally do politics that early in the morning, Anon. But I've just watched it on iPlayer.

Yes, a good performance, though Andrew Marr is a bit of a puppy dog interviewer. But I am completely lost as to where the media are coming from on the second question on "devolution max". It's as if by saying it over and over gain they hope to bounce the SNP into it.

Anonymous said...

Just seen a video of Elin Jones's speech at the SNP confrence. Plesantly surprised. No 'uming' every sentence, a bit of humour, smiled, spoke clearly for independence. Look calm and sensible.

With Dafydd El still going on about the Europe of the Regions - although every region he quotes is moving closer to full nation-statehood, Elin Jones may be a more attractive proposition than many first thought. And no, I'm not from the Elin Jones campaign team (if she has one).

Anonymous said...

This is rhetoric of the first order! I can't think of one other in the UK who can come close in oratory - the only comparison I can make ( and perhaps, yes, I am over the top here!) is Barak Obama.

The audacity of hope writ large!

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