The Labour MPs under fire over the tractor tax
17 minutes ago
Much of what will appear on this blog will also appear in the Syniadau Forums, but the emphasis on this blog is slightly different. The forums are focused more on the structures and institutions that Wales will need to develop in order to become a successful independent nation, arranged on a subject by subject basis, but the blog will have more of an emphasis on day to day political news and developments.
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Great to see you back Michael - you have been much missed! Yes we've also gone with today's cover of Charlie Hebdo on greendragon today. Seems a very fitting tribute from those of who believe in the freedom of the press and the right of Journalists to ply their vital trade without fear of being murdered or silenced.
Is this the same green dragon who hides his identity and censors comments on his blog! Where is the 'free speech' in that - except his own. lol. Pas Charlie de tout!!
Thanks, Green Dragon. This is something that we need to speak out about.
Don't be so petulant, Anne. If you don't like the article Green Dragon wrote yesterday you have this blog, and perhaps others too, and are free to use them to say whatever you like.
Doesn't sit well when this particular blog is so quick to delete any 'anti-Welsh language' comments.
Mind, each to their own.
Probably equates anti Welsh Language comments with pig ignorance and treats as such.
Definitely be good to talk michael, as there's still too many dinosaurs in the welsh blogosphere holding out against the concept of a green and nuclear free wales.
With regards to Anne Greagsby's purile post we dont and never will publish comments on greendragon which are libellous, racist or homophobic. We wont give a platform to bigots or trolls!
Then please email me at:
Welcome back you have done great work in Plaids hypocrisy on Nucker power I wonder why anne Greagsby never mentions that. She has been expelled from the Wales green party, FOE Cymru and Wales CND...perhaps Plaid will be following suit soon......
We seem to be having some difficulty with that email Michael - feel free to contact us at greendragon.
I've deleted the last two comments, but those who wrote them are welcome to repost them if they offer some explanation as to why they're relevant.
oops omitted to include this in our last post Michael
Green dragon can't spell. His puerile comments, anonymous no doubt because he is Martyn Shrewsbury convicted fraudster and charlatan, should not be permitted. Who cares about Anne Greagsby? Anne Greagsby has NOT been expelled from the green party of England and Wales. The attempt to expel her by Bartolotti and John Matthews was ruled unconstitutional by the national SOC, standing orders committee,
and agreed by conference. I am sure MH would agree that one should have a hearing at least. Anne was never a member of CND Cymru and is presently a member of a FOE branch.
Bartolotti and John Matthews from the green party are still trying to expel my partner respected environmentalist, anti nuclear campaigner and anti militarist Dr Max Wallis but the planned tribunal has had to be postponed because cowardly Bartolotti couldn't show.
The green party, FOE Cymru and CND Cymru all are undemocratic, run by cabals and funded from London.
Max Wallis, me and Cynefin y Werin have contributed more to anti militarism in fighting off the proposed military academy than Martyn Shrewsbury or Bartolotti or John Cox all notable from their absence to that campaign
"The green party, FOE Cymru and CND Cymru all are undemocratic" writes Anne Greagsby....hmm... well someone who was expelled from all those organisations 'would say that wouldnt she'? as the recently departed welsh 'society girl' mandy rice davies might remark.
"Who cares about Anne Greagsby?" er well judging by the above post someone called 'anne greagsby' evidently does.
It's also very interesting how the ordinarily very vocal and self styled 'greengranma' anne greagsby is now completely silent on the matter of plaid cymru's support for nuclear power at wylfa b since her conversion to the party of wales in late 2013.
Course it wasnt that long ago - july 2013 to be precise - that anne greagsby was denouncing leanne wood and plaid cymru with the same hysterical vitriol she now aims at the wales green party - as the below quote taken directly from her own blog will illustrate
(yes anne we note you deleted this comment from your blog since we featured it on greendragon so we took the trouble of saving it for you but no need to thank us honestly)
Tuesday, 2 July 2013
Plaid New party of the left?
"England needs a new party of the left says Plaid Cymru’s leader Leanne Wood. She believes England is crying out for a progressive voice similar to that Plaid Cymru offers Wales!
Progressive voice? It is ok for Leanne to make lavish statements hen the party factions are free to take up policy options as they please. The only consistent policy is the nationalist agenda. PLAID Cymru candidate for Ynys Mon by-election Rhun ap Iorwerth has pledged to fight to ensure development of a new nuclear power plant at Wylfa B is in the interests of the people of Anglesey.
How is that 'honest'? Leanne Wood "In Wales we do have an alternative voice, we have a fourth party that vies for power with Labour and, at the very least, keeps it honest." Report on Plaid Cymru's Leanne Wood backs Anglesey party on nuclear position BBC
Plaid Cymru went in to coalition with Labour at the first opportunity which contributed to heavy loses lost at the last assembly elections. They were lead by Ieuan Wyn Jones who was Deputy First Minister & Minister for the Economy and Transport and was totally committed to the Aerospace business park at St Athan and a PFI military academy However the truth is that ‘£43 million spent, but not one job created’... agreed by the auditor. Ieuan Wyn Jones sat beside Rhodri Morgan, First Minister : "..The Defence Training Academy at St Athan in the Vale of Glamorgan will provide thousands of high quality jobs, training service personnel in an academic environment that will turn Oxford and Cambridge green with envy when it opens for business next decade."* Incredibly after the total failure of the business park at St Athan Ieuan Wyn Jones has been appointed as director of Menai Science Park which has sparked the by-election.
Plaid policy is against incineration yet we had Plaid run Caerphilly council supporting privatising waste in Prosiect Gwyrdd/Project Green/ - yes green or rather project incinerator. In Cardiff Plaid kept the Lib Dems in power (losing all but 2 of their seats in latest council elections) and also supporting Prosiect Incinerator.
Leanne Wood personally has consistently opposed incineration but what use is that? Elin Jones doesn't support the drive for incineration however Plaid had control of Caerphilly council but supported the PPP regional incineration project Prosiect Gwyrdd.
Plaid Elin Jones says she opposes nuclear but insists she is a pragmatic politician and therefore wouldn't oppose the replacement construction of a Wylfa B reactor."
I don't particularly want to get involved in the exchange between Anne and GreenDragon, but I would like to ask Anne this question.
GD quotes you as having written this in July 2013:
"Plaid Elin Jones says she opposes nuclear but insists she is a pragmatic politician and therefore wouldn't oppose the replacement construction of a Wylfa B reactor."
Would you please tell me where and when Elin said this. It would be good if you were able to provide a link to substantiate it.
Sorry ..I think it was on her campaign for leader website that no longer exists.
I know that Elin said she was AGAINST Wylfa B during the leadership campaign, Anne, namely on the video in this post.
But I suppose it's possible that she might have said the opposite thing to a different set of people. It's hardly unknown for Plaid politicians to do this ... not least on this subject.
In the absence of you being able to provide a link I think it would be best to treat what you say sceptically.
MH, I think Anne was saying sorry because she knew that what she had written wasn't true. That explains why she deleted the post from her blog only this week. She isn't an honest person.
Thanks for letting me repost MH. The relevance, it seems to me, is that the leadership of the Green Party in Wales contains some rather dubious characters *(below). As an environmentalist, I think that some of these individuals are causing damage to an important movement This needs at least to be discussed. Paul Flynn has questioned Bartolotti ( and Jac raises some germane issues, if in his usual cavalier style.
"One reason I enjoy doing posts like this is that once you start digging there’s just no telling what you’ll unearth. This case being a perfect example. For when I started digging into the background of David Wakeling, to find out what his day job was, and how he could afford to loan Canoe Wales £45,000, I discovered that he owns Toucan Systems of Abertillery, Company No 02068869, which manufactures high-spec electroPippa Bartolottinic components. Another director is Mark Williamson, the Scotsman I spoke with on the telephone. Mr Williamson is also a director of Beaufort Tenants Management Ltd of Monmouth, Company No 02847525. So was Williamson recruited into Toucan because Wakeling knew him through Canoe Wales, or vice versa?
Perhaps even more interesting was another name on Toucan’s list of previous directors (April 2001 – May 2003) – a Ms Pippa Bartolotti, self-styled leader of the equally self-styled ‘Wales Green Party’. What a small world! Some Greens suggest that Ms Bartolotti is not what she seems, that she is persona grata with the Israeli authorities and that she has been involved with companies connected with the military. Toucan is such a company. The woeful ‘protests’ she organised for the NATO summit in Newport last September did nothing to lift the cloud of suspicion hanging over that head of wild, abundant hair."
The 'environmentalist's' alleged concerns for the well being of the welsh greens is frankly risible - in view of the fact the same 'environmentalist' has been waging the most vile smear campaign against the wales greens for 12 months.
As for the ridiculous charge that allegedly 'dubious' individuals within the wales greens are damaging the party well current evidence shows quite the contrary - under the leadership of Ms Pippa Bartolotti welsh green membership has risen from just over 300 to 1500 in a year, the party is opening new branches right across wales, is set to field a record number of candidates in May's GE and is being projected to win its first seats in the senedd in 2016.
Its clear the Wales greens are going from strength to strength
'environmentalist's' Oh Dear....
Would be interesting to hear your thoughts on the proposed developments in Pembrokeshire and Newport on the planned new Welsh medium secondary schools.Would also be good to read a general update in relationto Welsh medium school developments. The blog written in Autumn 2013 generated a comprehensive discussion outlining positive changes across the country.
Seconded. Michael, your observations and reports on developments in the field of WM education have been sorely missed
Green Dragon is, I believe, Martyn Shrewsbury from the green party in Swansea. He is also a convicted fraudster, troll and bully.
I am not the only victim. In Dec, 2014 Another blogger who wrote an article about Green ideology awarded greendragon the Thug of the Year Award. Henry’s email address, which appears on the notification of his comment, along with his IP address, is: His alias on this occasion was Henry Worthington. He has also used Henry Strawbridge.
He has history See this complaint against Martyn Shrewsbury by Dr. Myron Evans
He has also had run-ins with Not so keen on criticism of himself.
Martyn it seems has the blessing of his friend Pippa Bartolotti. He is very keen on using other peoples blog for his nasty work but not keen on comments on his own blog. It would be a good idea if he wasn't tolerated on other peoples blogs.
I am inclined to agree with the previous comment. My reasons for this concern the absolute dismissive arrogance displayed by greendragon on other blogs. This individual does a disservice to the cause of the Greens in Wales.
You have to chuckle at the spectacle of Ann Greagsby - probably the most notorious and obsessive troll in the welsh blogosphere - characterising herself as a 'victim'.
This is the 'thug' greagsby who was thrown out of not one not two but three organisations for harrassing and abusing people in those organisations - among them cnd cymru and the wales green party. She even somehow contrived to have a falling out with the cardiff against the bedroom tax campaign.
In a nutshell greagsby has caused mayhem and bad feeling in every organisation shes ever been involved with, and been booted out of every organisation shes been involved in. Starting to get the picture?
Her seeming capacity for wreaking havoc in organisations and disseminating lies about people on the welsh political scene is matched only by her capacity for consistenly getting the authorship of greendragon wrong incidentally.
Really? Has she? I don't think so. I wrote a critical piece about the greens and YOU harassed me Mr "Worthington." -
Greendragon’s comment nicely validates he’s a cyber-bully, issuing false statements under anonymity with no source. Concerning expulsions, Anne tells me she’s never been ‘member’ of CND Cymru and I’d be inclined to believe her, especially as its members are simply subscribers.
As for expulsion from the Wales Green Party, that regional party of the London-based organisation has no powers to expel ‘members’. Bartolotti applied to expel Anne for ‘defamation’, but failed when the Party conference decided the responsible officers had not followed the party’s Constitution. I know it well, for Bartolotti has similarly alleged ‘defamation’ by me, has made a flimsy case, and is trying to avoid going to the internal tribunal ( Michael Haggerty was subjected to Plaid’s complaints process for critical comments about a leading member, but that used the vague ‘bringing the party into disrepute’ rather than the legally-tight ‘defamation’. (How Plaid Cymru Works - 19 Syniadau post of 19 June 2014). And it was completed without the extended delays of the Green Party.
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