More than a million

I don't often draw attention to the number of hits Syniadau receives, although there is a link to my StatCounter statistics at the bottom of the column on the right which I try to update every month or so.

However I've just reached a milestone that I'd like to celebrate with everybody who has taken an interest in this blog over the years. Syniadau has now had more than a million page loads since it started in April 2009.

Having reached seven figures, I looked back at what I said when my visitor count reached six figures, and can only repeat what I said then, though with even more gratitude than before:

More than anything, I owe a big thank you to everybody who reads this blog: to those who come every day, and to those who only come once in a while ... to those who've made comments, and to those who've just read what I and those who have written guest posts have to say ... to those who want to see an independent Wales as much as I do, and to those who aren't yet convinced.

I hope Syniadau has been able to stimulate our thinking about what sort of country Wales can and should be, for it is entirely in our hands to make our country what we want it to be.

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