Toadying sycophancy

I've just seen the rather strange declaration signed by Rosemary Butler on behalf of the National Assembly:


One part of it reads:

Your Majesty's wisdom and devotion have provided the bedrock on which sustainable democratic institutions have been established and developed ...

Does anyone seriously believe that the establishment of democratic institutions has had anything to do with Elizabeth Windsor's wisdom or devotion? Our National Assembly is the result of the vision and hard work of many people over many years. It was established because we as a nation wanted it and voted for it; and it has developed because we as a nation wanted it to be better and voted for it to be better.

Yes, we have come a long way over the past sixty years; but we cheapen our own achievements as a nation if we give the credit for what we ourselves have done to someone who has done nothing to deserve it.

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Anonymous said...

Oh fy Nhuw...

     “If it were necessary to give the briefest possible definition of imperialism, we should have to say that imperialism is the monopoly stage of capitalism"


Anonymous said...

This sort of brown-nosing definitely puts the "sick" into "sycophancy".

Anonymous said...

Embarrasing for the Labour party.

Confirms that Leanne is the stateswoman and strong person of vision that she is.

Anonymous said...

Leanne's speech was the only one that didn't make me want to puke.

Efrogwr said...

I particularly dislike the reference to the "growth in confidence and maturity of Wales" as if Wales is a child. Unable to cope without the English "parent" and needs to prove itself before it deserves full adult status. Typical colonialist language, of course.

Anonymous said...

Makes one sick.


Anonymous said...

Yes it's rather North Korean style isn't it "your great wisdom"!!.

However I'm rather glad that this is being sent and nothing of considerable price. I was fuming that the Government sent a crystal bowl to the wedding of PW and KM. Why? well there was no need but secondly all that gets done is they get labelled and then stored without the couple seeing them in Kensington Palace- what's the point in that!? How do I know? Well KM was in a picture shop saying how great they were. The man said "you've got some, the PM gave you some", she said "have I? it's a shame I dont get to see my wed gifts they just get stored".

I saw LW's speech, it was a great speech- really powerful HOWEVER I think she should have mentioned that she doesn't believe in the position.

Cibwr said...

This is why a monarchy is wrong... now were did I put my 1977 Jiwbili Ych Y Fi badge?

Anonymous said...

Where did I put my Twll Din i'r Cwin t-shirt?

Anonymous said...

If the Assembly had spent only half as much money on a personalised card from Clinton's, it would have saved them from going into administration.

Anonymous said...

No, the Assembly accounts will show that the scroll only cost £2.99 ... the other £10,000 was spent on the translation.

Anonymous said...

Ironic to congratulate this woman on her contribution to democracy when she herself has never been subject to an election. She even had the cheek to lecture the Assembly on their democratic duties when she came to open it. Hypocrisy of truly monumental proportions.

Neilyn said...

Look at the opening word ; 'Madam'. Hardly regal is it? Sounds on the terse side to me! That's exactly the tone I'd adopt with Mrs. Windsor if we ever met; "Madam, you're a charlatan and a fraud, and I refuse to bow and scrape in your, er, 'presence' like one of your brainwashed flunkies".....

That said, the bit about looking forward to being a loyal subject for many years to come gave me a severe bout of windypopps. OK now though. God Save Rennies - the Republican's Friend!

MH said...

From her opening remarks in the debate, it seems clear that this scroll was sent by Rosemary Butler without any sort of vote or prior approval from AMs in the Senedd.

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